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She hung up. I broke out of my trance and realized I needed toenlist Chris Rock. He covers all bases. He’s my black friend, so anyblack related problems go across his desk. He will have special insight, like when a movie brings in areal forensic criminologist to be a consultant. Rock knows whatmakes this guy tick. He could solve this. THE. FUCK.

I don’t begrudge military veterans on disability or their survivors from pension benefits they were promised at enlistment; this policy was fairly appalling. If I ran the zoo they would get enough for a stable retirement, just like every American worker whose toil deserves some dignity in old age.

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But the disparity between how Congress jumps for the needs of the military and how every other employee of the federal government, every long term unemployed worker, and every food stamp recipient gets treated is striking.

Imagine if her family saw you making jokes about it?”Another person tweeted: “This is an awful tweet.Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterDaily NewsletterAccidentsDistraught parents of 17 month old boy killed outside Ibis Hotel pay tribute to their “perfect son”Jackson Yates was hit by a vehicle in the car park of the hotel after being taken to see In The Night Garden LiveAssisted suicide’They had a big kiss and passed away holding hands’: Loving couple, 91, die together in rare double euthanasiaNic and Trees Elderhorst had been happily married for 65 years when they died on June 4 surrounded by their loved onesMissing personsThe text messages from UK Sainsbury’s worker that helped save kidnapped four year old US girl 5,000 miles awayHarry Brown, 21, discovered the whereabouts of a missing girl by convincing her estranged dad to let him order pizzaFire’I thought it would be like Grenfell’: Teenager’s terror as blaze forces family to flee smoke filled tower blockThe teenager said “the first thing that came into my head was London” as smoke filled their tower block and her family fled in fearMental healthGrieving mum reveals contents of cryptic note left by girl, 16, before she ‘killed herself’The body of Maisie Cousin Strik, 16, was found in woodland near her home in Misterton, Nottinghamshire and her family are now using the note to help other teenagers speak about their mental healthSummer transfer windowTransfer news LIVE: Arsenal, Manchester United, City, Liverpool and Chelsea latest plus every done dealJoin us throughout the day and we’ll bring you all the latest transfer news, deals and rumours from the Premier League and beyondMo FarahMo Farah announces he’s changing his name after bowing out with silver at World ChampionshipsHis response to his dominance coming to an end was to reveal that he will head into the next chapter of his career no longer known as MoCristiano RonaldoCristiano Ronaldo facing 12 match ban after shoving referee following red cardReal Madrid beat Barcelona 3 1 but the Ronaldo’s red card took the shine off the winMissing personsSainsbury’s worker solves mystery of kidnapped US girl, four, from his bedroom.

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